- Posted23 June 2021
Have you ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs are good at what they are doing, or how they always seem to be doing the right things? One of the key reason lies in the marketing strategies that they have used on their websites in building up their businesses - strategies that you can also adopt to enhance the success of your business.
1. Usage of SEO
Search engine optimization may sound like it lacks creativity as something that anyone can do because it is mainly about using targeted keywords and search phrases on the website to reach higher ranking in search engine results. The latter is true though the former is not.
Optimizing a website for search engine is one of the most creative marketing strategies that one can have. While it is easy to "plant" keywords and phrases within a website, it takes creativity to make these search terms relevant to the website's content.
2. Lead Magnets
The best way of getting leads is to have your prospects giving you their information willingly on their own. Straight-up asking for someone's personal information is a big no-no if you have not shown them anything concrete or beneficial for them from your side.
In order to get something out of your prospects, you need to offer something in return. Think about a coupon code, a free lesson/guide, etc.; once your prospects see the value in your offer, there's a fat chance that they will be willingly signing up with you for it.
3. Facebook Groups
Joining Facebook groups is nothing short of benefits when it comes to understand and procuring prospects. Instead of spamming your business products and services in Facebook groups, be attentive to the discussion within the group and participate whenever an opportunity presents itself.
You can both learn about the audience's interests as well as offering helpful inputs to the problems they might be facing. This opens up the door for you to introduce your products and services through the values that you have already proven able to provide by simply direct them to your business website.
4. Interactive Contents
When you have something for people to talk about, more often than not, that becomes a source of traffic for your website. A good interactive content is something that is fun for your audience to engage with. Give them a reason to share your content with their peers and increase your content reach exponentially.
5. Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs are great ways to get traffic to your website. Most people today use search engines to find solution to a problem that they are facing. By having FAQs section on your website dedicated to solve the problems that your audience might have, you create reasons for internet users to read your web contents.
6. Image Optimization
A website with shorter loading time is always more attractive to visit than one with longer loading time. A lot of people value time more than they know - to a point that they can potentially lost their interest if a website takes longer than 10 seconds to load.
One workaround the issue of long loading time is to optimize the images to smaller sizes. The smaller the file size of images, the faster your website will load for your audience. On top of that, faster loading speed is also generally helpful in placing your website in a high search result ranking.
7. Video Contents
As a picture speaks a thousand words, a video can speak indefinitely more. Having engaging video on your website puts you in a place that's more relatable and interpersonal with your audience. There are plenty of video hosting services such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. - even social media platforms have their built-in video sharing service.