34 tips to get viral on Facebook! Let's get viral on Facebook!


Are you trying too hard to posting on Facebook every day how to get viral, gain followers, getting more likes, comments and shares? Hey, here we prepared 3 tips for you to get viral on Facebook!

1. Start with storytelling

Tell the story about your business and person’s life always engage well with the audiences. Get the CEO or founder to tell the vision and mission of your business in video form, build up a rapport with your customers.


2. Building brand

Customers tend to recognize the brands that they are familiar with. So building your brand online is an important job to keep the consistency of your quality content including copywriting, videos, logo, colour theme and tone.


3. Following the trend

Interact with your audiences with asking questions, replying comments along with the latest trend will always get your viral on Facebook!


4. Post on the best timing

Understand when is your customer online and that's the timing you should post your content. Using Facebook Audience Insights to get the information. You will get it better with experience.


5. Don't post on peak hour

People will tell that you should post on 12 pm, 3 pm and 7 pm according to the statistic but that does not mean that you should post on these time as your competitors are posting as well.


6. Use the correct cover photo

Design the cover photo that suits your business nature. You can consider using free online editing tools such as CANVA.


7. Have a selfie!

Build your brand personality by uploading a selfie of you or groupie with your employees, get fun and engage with your customers!


8. Reuse the post of influencer

The influencer always active on Facebook and owned a great number of followers. Follow the trend or tagging them could spice up your post's reaction.


9. Having Q&A

Asking and answering questions on your Facebook page is the best way to engage and interact with your audiences as you can get what are they thinking and gain insight.


10. Create original graphics

Having original content let your page become outstanding and distinctive.


11. Understand more about your audiences

Understand what content will be favoured by your audiences could bring up more clicks for your contents.


12. Personalized your content

Instead of posting content related to products and services, you could post your personal or employee moment to engage with audiences.


13. Provide promotions

Promotional and offers post usually brings a large volume of engagement in the Facebook. The more followers that your page is, the higher reach of your post.


14. Be consistent

Make sure all your contents are consistent with the theme and form. Don't share the post with content with multiple themes to confuse your audiences.


15. Creative captions

Avoid using the same title that will cause your audience's fatigue. Use the eye-catching title to grab the attention.


16. Post just like sharing your personal life

Infuse some emotional elements into your Facebook page like your own personal sharing platform with friends and families.


17. User-generated content

Post and share your customers' content such as their visit to your restaurant and cafe. Featuring their photos and write appreciation captions. They will appreciate your business while encouraging more and more customers to join the interaction.


18. Post content frequently

How many contents should I post in one day? Well, maybe 1 or 2 per day? Forget about it, successful business shares about 3-5 posts in one day maybe more! The more frequent you post contents, the higher your awareness is.


19. Products-featured photos

Set up a scene, props and proper lighting. Feature your products for a great photo. Tell a story about it and the advantages of your products and how to use it.


20. Motivation quotes

Share motivation quotes on your page is one of the ways to build up followers.


21. Video

Create a high-quality video with great content always is a wise choice. There are more than 8 billion videos being watched on Facebook every day. Videos generate 10x better interactions than static photos.


22. Boost your best pts

If you want more attention for your post that you just created, you may consider using paid ads on Facebook to further boosting your post to more audiences.


23. Share blog content

If you own a business website with a blog. You could share your blog content to Facebook to bring up your website traffic. Usually, the type of content in the blog are educational and it's highly engaging.


24. Share the quotes from successful entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneur such as Bills Gate owns many followers and highly influenctial. Share their story or quotes could build follower base.


25. Advice from the professionals

Inform your audiences with professional advices incrase your page quality and your brand awareness.


26. Interactive post

Increase your audience engagement by getting them involve in your post. For example, like & share & tag post to get free gift.


27. Survey post

Asking opinion from your audiences for customer interaction and gain insights. You could ask for design for your upcoming products.


28. Charity

When your business did something good for society (corporate social responsibility), share it on your social media!


29. Share the wisdom of books

Publish some posts that contain the essence of the book of what is it talking about with anything related to your business and industry.


30. Slogan

Think a slogan for your business for your branding like the slogan from Adidas "Nothing is impossible" that is highly recognizable.


31. Set your target audience

When you are trying to run your paid ads on Facebook, set your target audience so that your content is reaching the right audience.


32. Use Hashtag # wisely

Hashtag gives your post a theme and keyword to easily get found.


33. Do not shy to share your awards and testimonials

Increase your brand awareness by sharing your previous awards and things done before.


34. Build a community

Create a group on Facebook that is only for your business and ask your customers to join. Your customers could share their product experience in the group and you may post your ads in the group.


Are you ready to get viral with these 34 tips? If you have any enquiries and facing difficulties in managing social media, contact us anytime!

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34 tips to get viral on Facebook!

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